Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Yesterday after Gordo’s nap I noticed that his sheets were wet. Shoot! The darn catheter was leaking again.
Got him cleaned up and into his chair, then proceeded to take the sheets off the bed, etc.
Dad very seriously says … Pooker Annie … I really do appreciate everything you do for me, because I don’t think I would have given up my life for my parents.
Woo! Stopped what I was doing and sat down in front of him.
Dad… I didn’t give up my life. You just happen to be a large part of it and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Then before he could say another word … I asked … So do you want a cookie or what? He replies … yes … but only one.
Sometimes I forget that although it is challenging being a caregiver … it’s probably worse having to be cared for.
Hug your old folks today … I’m sure they could use one.

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