Sunday, February 5, 2012


Yesterday was a rainy day in Houston. Not good for taking Gordo out of the house, so he elected to watch a movie on the “big” screen in the living room. “Fargo” was just starting and he had never seen it. BTW I love this crazy movie, so thought he would too.
We put on his wireless headset and he’s good to go.
During this free time … I’m cleaning dishes, playing on my computer, etc., occasionally popping in to check on him. All is well, as he appears to be enjoying his movie.
The movie ends and I asked … Wasn’t that a great movie? He snaps … HELL no! That was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. Where on earth did they find so many ugly looking actors?
Dad … that’s not nice.
Pooker Annie … really … did word get out to the agents in Hollywood to send in every ugly actor they had?
Ok dad.
He is wound up now… I like movies with good looking actors. Who wants to spend 2 hours watching a bunch of homely people?
Ok daddy … I get it … I get it …
More Jen Aniston movies!
His eyes light up when I mention her name.
Exactly! She is beautiful!  I still don’t know why that Pitt fellow dumped her. Was he out of his mind?
Before dad can get on another tangent … I quickly ask …
Dad … do you want some coffee ice cream?
He asks … Is it Haagen Dazs?
Yes dad.

Ice cream ... now ... that's a Beautiful thing!

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