Sunday, February 19, 2012

Forever Young

One of my guilty pleasures is reading People magazine.  I was flipping through the pages yesterday and it was what you’d expect … Whitney, Demi, Joan Rivers, etc.
It got me thinking about … what happens to us when we turn forty or fifty. This insanity takes over and we desperately try holding on to our youth and the looks we had when we were 20 and 30. Hair dye, face lifts, boob jobs, crazy diets, diet pills, Rogaine, etc. Why can't  we just enjoy aging’s natural progression? The answer ... because we’d have a lot of bald, gray, ugly, old, wrinkled people running about. Ha! Ha!
Seriously … I discussed this with Gordo and his comment was … 
“Pooker Annie, I don’t mind being old. It’s the dying part I could do without.”
Well folks … that really puts things in perspective! Doesn’t it?
Have a super Sunday!

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