Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pretty Nurses

Yesterday Gordo and I made our familiar trip to Kelsey Seybold in Sugar Land where all of dad’s doctors are.
This trip was a little different in that we were there for dad’s annual pacemaker check.
Basically a tech runs a test … not too much unlike a diagnostic test on a car. The tech that performed the test was a guy with a personality of a slug. He did nothing wrong, but (unlike most of the folks who interact with Gordo) he simply wasn’t friendly at all. OK … bottom line was that his heart is good, pacemaker’s working and won’t have to be replaced for another 3 years. Yay!
Next stop was his routine blood work at the lab. We do this a couple times a month. Well … low and behold another grumpy male was going to take dad’s blood. So Gordo pipes up and asks (loudly) … Where the hell are all the pretty nurses today? You could hear all the lab techs snickering. Then the male tech says … sir … I am not a nurse. Then dad switches his tone and says … its ok son … not all nurses are pretty girls. OMG! (I thinking) … this guy is about to draw blood from him.
Well it took two pokes to get the job done … coincidence? I ‘m not sure, but when we got to the car … dad … says … Next time Pooker Annie … can we ask for the pretty blonde?
You betcha!


  1. I shared this with some of the people here at the old folks' home - they really liked the story

    1. Play,
      Thank you.
      Do you live at the old folks home?
      Please share your stories and photos with me and any ideas you might have for this blog that might be helpful.
      Take care and see you in a tour real soon.
      Cora aka Amrisa

  2. Flg,
    Yes I knew.
    Glad you got a giggle.
    See you later in game land
