Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A year ago the only basketball teams or games I knew anything about were the Houston Rockets back in the 90’s. 
Gordo is a basketball fanatic. So I have learned more about the teams, players and their stories, than I ever really cared to know.
Just a few things I’ve learned …
Boston Celtics (his favorite team) are too old to play so many games back to back. Their legs aren’t what they used to be. Plus … Charles Barkley agrees with Dad.
Dad despises the “Evil Empire” aka Miami Heat … mostly because of LeBron James, as he betrayed his home team of “Cleveland” (?) … in lieu of fame and fortune with the Heat.
He likes “Dirk” of the Dallas Mavericks … mostly because he was the main reason Dallas beat the “Evil Empire” in last’s year’s playoff game.
Boston could have had this fantastic young player … now on the New York Knicks. Jeremy Lin aka “The Yellow Menace”. But they didn’t and they’re sorry now … because this kid is great!
Believe it or not this new info in my brain came in handy at the nail salon on Sunday. A husband and wife came in for pedicures. She obviously dragged him in there. He must have agreed … as a Valentine’s gift or something.  I heard him mention that he was missing the game. So … because I don’t know how to keep my mouth shut … I pipe up and ask if he’s talking about the NY game? Yes … he answers. I say … I know all about it, as my dad insisted we record it while he was at the movies with my sister.
So I (then) asked my wonderful nail lady (Kim) for the remote control to her TV and begin to scroll thru the channels. Found the game and put it on. OMG! The change in this man’s demeanor was amazing. He thanked me and his wife smiled and gave me a wink. All was right with the world.
My husband has also been sucked into the basketball vortex. He actually brought Gordo home a Rocket’s t-shirt from a game he went to last week with some clients. What Mikey didn’t realize is that Dad will NEVER wear a Houston Rocket’s shirt.  Because it would betray his Celtics … and it’s a hideous bright red. However (as hubby says) he has no problem wearing Leprechaun green.
Last night I suggested Gordo wear the shirt to bed … since we would be the only ones who would see it … plus … Michael did have the best of intentions when getting it.
Gordo relented … and even posed for this photo. He’d kill me if he knew I shared it. Ha! Ha!
Enjoy the “Hoopla” the day brings my friends.

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