April 2011

April 1
 “POOKER ANNIE” … my dad’s nickname for me. YES … another story. Stay with me, as it all comes together. I was due to be born in July 1963. However … my mother got into a car accident in May and was bleeding internally. She had a wonderful doctor from Egypt … Dr. Kamel Ali Hassan (see attached immigration card … all I could find, but know he died in 1984). He told my parents that he would try something a little risky if they wanted to attempt to save both mom and child (in lieu of a safer route of … just save mom). This was their first child and they want it so badly … that they put their trust in God and Dr. Hassan. When the long surgery was over he explained to my dad that he has able to stop my mom’s bleeding, but had to actually lift me up and out of the way in order to repair the damage. So they would know within 48 hours if the baby would even live and if the baby went to term … there would be no guarantee that the infant would be normal and healthy. So the waiting started. My mom told the story … on day 2, while lying in her hospital bed with a rather large abdominal incision; she felt the most excruciating (wonderful) pain. I kicked! Over one hurdle. Two months later I arrived on time with pediatric specialist on board. The only thing that resulted from my 1st birth (lol), was a very low birth weight and I was very skittish. I would throw my arms back and shrill (not too different than today).
Well … when I did this … it was very frightening to watch, so my dad started calling me “Spooky”. My mom was outraged, because … back in the 60’s … Spooky was a very derogatory word for African Americans. So dad started calling me “Pooky” which by adding my middle name of Anne … it evolved into “Pooker Annie”. He actually made up a little song … “Little Pooker Annie is my Sweetheart”. Still sings it today.
NOW you know the rest of the story.

April 2
Took dad to a 2pm doctor’s appointment. He insisted on taking his large oxygen tank … just in case traffic was bad. I ask … why would the traffic be bad? Because people are driving to Houston for the Basketball Championship. But dad … we’re going to Sugar Land. Exactly Pooker Annie … where do you think these rich basketball players live? I start to explain … but stop myself. Ok daddy … we’ll take the larger tank. Although Gordon gets confused sometimes … he damned sure knows about tonight’s schedule. Final Four … tonight at the Blanchard’s. Better make a run to Spec’s (for me of course). Dad will be drinking lemonade. Go UConn!
April 3
I've learned quite a bit about caregiving for an aging adult. Realizing that this is just the beginning of what could be a very long journey, here are just a few things that I thought to share in case you or someone you know is dealing with the same. For what it’s worth. 
1. Facing … then … embracing that my life will never be the same.
2. Letting go (but still remember) of the person you once knew and accepting and loving the latest version.
3. No matter how mad or irritated you may get with them … try to keep smiling … and remember that they are living it every second of every day. You can go in the back yard … have a cry … and DON’T feel guilty for your brief pity party.
4. Routine is paramount. Keeping things in the same place. Doing daily activities at the same time … like eating, bathing, taking meds. etc.
5. Announcing and also in our case writing on a white erase board … what day and date it is … and what today’s plans are.
6. Mental and physical stimulation. Make sure that they move around several times throughout the day. Ask them questions and take time to listen. Get movies and books that they prefer. Take them out of the house for short jaunts of something fun … sitting at the park … picking up lunch … visiting friends, etc.
7. One of the hardest things is helping with the physical “un-pleasantries”. Bathing, going to the bathroom, dressing, cleaning up accidents, brushing teeth, etc. All I can tell you is how I mentally cope with all these things. I go back to taking care of my babies. Did all these things and then some. Taking care of Gordo is somewhat like caring for a toddler. Granted … a very large one, but still in need of these very same things. Plus …. HE currently sleeps through the night. Lol. 
So far … so good. Knowing that each day will bring a new lesson and that I just have to ACCEPT and EMBRACE each of them.
HUG your old folks TODAY!
Photo is from the 1980’s show Mork and Mindy … Jonathan Winters played ... Mearth… their VERY big baby.

April 4
Dad watched “Whip It” last week and really liked Ellen Page, so we watched “Juno” last night. One of my favorites. His biggest disappointment was that Juno (Ellen Page) didn’t wind up with Mark (Jason Bateman). Go figure. Watch this movie if you haven’t. It’s charming. Tonight we watch basketball. Go UConn!
April 5
“Cora” … not too many people with my name. YES … there is another story about how I got it.
My dad was born in Norwalk, Connecticut in 1930. He always says I was named after a 1930’s flapper (photo attached is not her, but looked very similar). When dad was a little boy his mother used to host a weekly “sewing” circle of 5 or 6 ladies. However dad suspects they were really drinking and gossiping. Anyway … there was one woman … named Cora. He thought she was absolutely gorgeous. So … from that time on … he always knew that if he had a girl … she’d be named Cora. WAIT … there’s more. My dad’s father came up to the hospital to see me right after I was born. He says to my dad … “son … why did you choose the name Cora?” Dad replies … “after that beautiful woman that used to come to mom’s sewing circle.” His dad …. WHAT? You named your baby after the Norwalk whore? Well there you have it. Yes … I was named after a “loose” flapper from the 1930’s. Now let’s get on with the day. :)
April 6
Yesterday’s lesson… Gordo’s belt. Well … it seems that ALL men (?????) pre-belt their pants. OK … so I pre-belt his pants. I’ve never seen more belt loops in my life. Pants on! Now it’s time to secure the belt. “Five holes … Pooker Annie”. Dad that’s too tight. How about four? He reluctantly agrees.
Today dad is going to walk … on his own … to the truck. I am ahead of him, packing up his wheelchair, etc. I hear an “ UH-OH”. I turn around to see Gordo with his pants around his ankles. We both have a good laugh, and all he has to say is “ I told you FIVE holes!”. Daddy, from now on.
Gives a whole (no pun intended) new visual to Larry Platt’s “ Pants on the Ground”.
April 7
My sister, Liz comes over every Wednesday night to visit with Gordo. Last night we had dinner and watched American Idol. Side bar … I’m sort of digging “Rod Stewart’s “son, as Dad still insists that he is. Hell … I don’t even know the poor guy’s real name. Anyway ... I got to thinking of the story my parents told us about how I met my little sister for the first time. Elizabeth arrived (without incident) 18 months after my crazy birth. I stayed with my Nana while they were in the hospital. When they came over to get me , I was in my highchair eating scrambled eggs. Mom walked over to show me this … screaming … very loud … little infant. What’s a big sister to do? I know … scooped up a spoonful of eggs and proceeded to shove them into her mouth. My mother almost had a coronary. They managed to remove all the eggs from her mouth. Dad tells me … no …no ... Pooker Annie … only mommy feeds the baby.
No wonder Liz only comes over for dinner. Lol.

April 8
Yesterday’s activities with Gordo consisted of a trip to Hearing Aid Express in Bellaire. Dad won’t think about going anywhere else. Then a late lunch at (his lady friend) Dodie’s house. 
Listening to these two 81 year old people is so amazing. They talk about times, places and people of their generation like it was yesterday. They both however, quite frequently, forget specific names. Dodie runs to get a reference book when they get stuck.
Yesterday’s moment of frustration involved two actors whose careers plummeted after physical disfiguration. One (in one of my previous posts) was Montgomery Clift. The other was one that Dodie simply could not pull from her memory bank. After Gordo kept guessing the WRONG actor’s names, a frustrated Dodie referred to her big book called “Video Hounds”. ROBERT MITCHUM! 
OK mystery solved. 
Now (she asks) … what’s the darned name of the big tree in her backyard? OK … It’s time to head back to Katy. 
We leave after they both hug and tell each other “I love you”. So frickin sweet. Makes me want to cry. On our way home , Dad says to me … Didn’t Dodie look beautiful today? She absolutely did Daddy.
April 9
Stephanie and Kenny are taking Gordo to see the new Arthur (I prefer Dudley Moore) movie today. Can’t wait to hear how that goes. Because Dad will be in good hands, I get to spend time today with my main squeeze, Mikey. We are going to Waller to see our angels play softball and t-ball. I can’t think of a better way to spend the day.
April 10
 Gordo went to see the movie Arthur … without his wheel chair or walker yesterday. Just his cane. Thanks, Steph and Kenny! He’s really tried to be more independent lately. As a matter of fact … it seems that his overall health has gotten better. I personally believe it is the result of … consistency with regard to his medications, diet, oxygen, sleep patterns, etc. It has to be very difficult living alone at the age of eighty plus. Trying to do all the regular things … like dressing, cooking, cleaning, etc. So to add on all these other components is rather overwhelming. Not to mention having an older forgetful mind. 
It’s become quite obvious to me why most seniors … who are married … typically live longer. Not so much because they are still so in love, although that’s true in many cases. It is more the case that between both of them … most of these necessities get met.
Having Dad here is slowly proving this theory. Instead of him depending on me and my family for everything … the opposite seems to be occurring on some level. And that … my friends … is priceless.
I guess you could say Gordo’s become “Cane and Able” Sorry … couldn’t resist. Lol
April 11
Watching 60 minutes last night with Gordo. They were actually permitted in to the library at the Vatican. Wow! The thing that really got my attention were some original … hand written love letters from King Henry the VIII to his 2nd wife Anne Boleyn. They were probably kept as evidence and one of the reasons why the Pope would not grant an annulment to Henry to divorce his first (very Catholic) wife Catherine, Queen of Aragon. Thus the reason the Church of England (now the Protestant religion) was embraced. All so Henry could marry his lover. Only later to have her beheaded. However they did produce Queen Elizabeth I.
Why am I telling you all of this???? Just because I’ve known the Tudor history in complete detail, as Dad (a History major) had me watching PBS with him all the time, since I was only 7 years old. He would talk with me for hours on end. I became completely obsessed with Britian’s royal lineage. I was and still am a sponge for any history pertaining to England, France, Scotland, etc. 
Can you imagine any kid (these days) … who’s 7 or 8 … loving history? Not unless it’s on their DS or XBOX. Lol.
Thanks … Daddy.
April 12
Rough night. Hardly slept. His snoring about drove me crazy! NO … not …Gordo … or … Mikey. 
Dad’s pug … Toby. Good grief! How can a little dog be so loud?
April 14
So last night Mikey actually opens up his “Man Cave” to Liz and me, so Gordo can watch the Astros’ game downstairs. WOW! Watching American Idol in there was like being in the audience. Amazing!
I want a “Girl’s Cave” NOW! Oh … that’s right… I already have one. His name is Gordon Powell CAVE Jr. - His real name and yes… my maiden name.
Truthfully … I’ll take my “Cave” over Mikey’s any day of the week. :) . Hope everyone has a beautiful day!
April 15
I lay on the couch yesterday while Gordo was sleeping and actually fell asleep. Woke up and told dad that I took a nap too. His comment “Well I should think so Pooker Annie, you’re not a spring chicken”. OK … Old Rooster (I thought). What is a spring chicken exactly?
Poultry Lesson of the Day: Agriculturally speaking, there really is a creature known as a spring chicken aka Cornish Hen … especially one from two to ten months old, having tender meat. The Name : During the earliest days of poultry farming, it was impossible to raise chicks during the cold winter months, so a chicken brought to market in the “spring “was prized for its youth and fresher flavor.
So see… I haven’t been a spring chicken for 46 years!
April 16
Gordo has been doing extremely well lately. He’s walking all over the place … without his walker. Doing many things on his own, etc.
With this new found independence … I decide to set up a phone (made for the hearing impaired), so he can make and receive his own calls. OK… 1st call is incoming from Jody aka the hearing aid lady. I tell him who it is and he sits down to take the call. She’s calling because dad’s been having some trouble with his new hearing aids. Dad: “No … you don’t need to do that. My aids are just fine”. WHAT??? (I’m thinking). “No … I already have someone helping me”. I grab the phone. Dad what are you doing? Tell her about the problems you are having. It’s not her business! Dodie (his lady friend) should just take care of herself. DAD … its JODY … not DODIE. OMG … luckily Jody has a sense of humor. They restart the entire conversation. Obviously dad’s having HUGE issues with his hearing aids. God love him!
April 17
Gordo watched every NBA playoff game yesterday. So I found some tranquility in my back yard.
Birds! Doves, Cardinals, Sparrows and one mean Blue Jay. In case you are wondering … my cats couldn’t be bothered.
Great … now I’m an old “Cat- Bird” lady.
April 18
Yesterday Dad stayed in his room watching the NBA playoff games and Mikey went fishing with Ricky. 
I was left with a pork roast, a Paul Prudhomme cook book and a vote of confidence from my hubby.
Spent an hour prepping, as I wept from chopping up onions, got food under my nails from hand rubbing the glaze that I sautéed, then finally popped the roast in the oven. Gosh that’s a lot of work. I’d better be nicer to Mikey (lol).
4 hours later the guys come home from fishing and Gordon surfaces from his basketball cave.
Time to eat. Everyone is chatting and eating. Dad leans over and whispers to me “This isn’t one of Michael’s better meals”. I whisper back “That’s because I made it”. At that … he shouts out “Thank God! I thought Mikey was losing his touch”. 
So there you have it. Michael is still KING of the kitchen and my nails will still look great! Have a super day!
April 19
Yesterday Dad and I were very busy. Back to the hearing aid place (in Bellaire), then to Spring Branch to pick up dry cleaning (probably been there a year), hair cut at Lynn’s and a trip to the DMV to renew Gordo’s handicap parking card (the blue thing that hangs on your rear view mirror).
Reminded me of a lesson I learned many years ago from my boss, who was a paraplegic. The reason why we use the blue hanger in lieu of an actual handicap license plate. Thought to share … just in case.
There are actually criminals who prey on folks who have plates or visible blue hangers. They will follow that person home and rob them, etc. OUTRAGEOUS … but true. I always take down the hanger when we get back into the car and put it in my glove box. You can’t remove a license plate. Better safe than sorry.
April 20
Yesterday while helping dad put on his hearing aids … I posed this question. What would Beethoven have been like if he had been able to wear a hearing device before he lost most of his hearing? 
Dad sums it up by stating (which now seems obvious to me). It would have COMPLETELY changed the power of his compositions. Example: Mozart's music is very elegant, while there's strength and a vitality that infuses much of Beethoven's music.
I would totally agree with that. Sort of interesting that I prefer Beethoven and Gordo loves Amadeus.
April 21
Wednesday night … dinner, basketball and American Idol … with Liz, Mikey and Gordo.
Fettuccini Alfredo with lobster. YUM!
Basketball: Dad must watch.
Idol: Liz and I retreat to the man cave. Casey … WOW! Kisses Lopez and Steven Tyler drops about ... 10 F-bombs.
After all that excitement we all discuss the upcoming wedding of Will and Katie. Yes … I AM obsessed with the whole “Royal” thing. Going to plan a party around the event. Think it will be fun. Yes … let’s do it.
One small little problem (discovered this morning) … the wedding begins at 3:00am. Which … by the way I WILL be watching, but we’ll have to build the party around the reception. Lol
April 23
This may be the best Easter ever! My incredible hubby, our kids, their spouses & kids, my sister and her kids… not to mention a VERY (overall) healthy and stable Gordo. ALL at our home this weekend!
As crazy as my life is … it’s mine and I cherish it! Happy Easter to all of you and God bless!
April 26
I got dad a DVD at the library. A PBS version of King Lear, by William Shakespeare, considered to be one of his greatest dramatic masterpieces. That launched a quest for the written version, so Aunt Liz obliged and took him to Border’s. 
Last night … prior to NBA tip-off … he is going on and on about King Lear and his 3 daughters with Mikey. I thought “poor” Mike.
I finally had to go to bed (8pm) … as I was still depleted from the weekend's activities. I said good night to both men and headed up the stairs. No reply. Turn around to see Gordo focused on the game and my hubby’s eyes are entrenched in dad’s book on King Lear. Gotta to love that scene!
April 27
A day out with Gordo today. Blood test, lunch and new sneakers (must be New Balance). Promises to be an adventure. Have a fabulous day!
Thanks to Joel at the shoe department in Academy. Gordo tried on 12 different pairs of tennis shoes. We are now fans of REEBOK! Enough said. ;)
April 30
Life just gets better and better. Gordo has made an “amazing” comeback. He’s doing most everything without my assistance. I’m just the gate keeper and chauffer. .. Give him his meds, balanced meals, doctor appointments, oxygen, etc. I make sure we doing something fun … outside of the house during the week and Aunt Liz takes him on a journey every Sunday. Mikey, Dad and I eat dinner together most nights. I go to bed early. Then the two night owls either watch TV together or do their own thing. How blessed we are! Have a super weekend!
As I sit here with my oldest (Gordo) and my youngest (Jared Jr,) ... 80 years between them. It's rather surreal. Both of them are perfect! :) Just Sayin.

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