Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's All Good

Last night three of my grandchildren spent the night.
Usually Gordon hides out in his room because it can get a little crazy with them running around making noise. However,  last night dad absolutely insisted on watching the NBA Celebrity game and the NBA All Star game in the living room on our “big” screen. 
(I’m thinking) … This is going to be a problem. Come on … think quickly. Ok … so I get dad’s headset, hook everything up to the living room TV. Ok … he’s good. I wheeled baby Jared (in his playpen) into Gordo’s room and turned on Bubble Guppies. Ok … he’s happy. Then … grabbed two “touch pads” from Mikey’s office … along with two sets of ear plugs. Taylor Swift on for Presley and Angry Birds for Jaclyn. Ok they’re good!
Whew! ……… Mission Accomplished!
Wine time for Pooker Annie! Ok … I’m good.
And … tonight … ice cream cake and lamb chops! 
It's All Good!
Happy Gordo Day Folks! 

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