June 2011

June 3
Each day I assist Gordo with his full set of dentures. Then leave the room to prepare his breakfast. He always starts whistling … so I know his teeth are in securely. He actually whistles the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I asked him … why that tune? Pooker Annie, … “being a Yankee … I just can’t bring myself to whistle Dixie”. Well there you have it! Have a super 
June 5
My friends, Gordo had to be rushed by ambulance last night to the ER. He is now in ICU. They say he has something called Sepsis. It is a severe illness in which the bloodstream is overwhelmed by bacteria and can lower the blood pressure … which is the case with Dad. Although he is very sick … he is still whistling and singing to the nurses. He continues to amaze me. God has his plan and we know that Gordo will be fine … either here or uptown, but if you all could say a little prayer … asking that he does not suffer … we would surely be thankful. Love you Daddy!
June 6
I had to go home last night, as I was quite depleted of sleep. However … Gordo (still in his foggy state) still knows that the NBA playoffs start at 7:00pm. In fact (now) the entire nursing staff in ICU knows it too. So at 7:00 they make sure that ABC is on … even with subtitles (God love them) … so he doesn’t miss the game. I called to check on him this morning. His nurse’s first comment to me was that Dallas lost. I laughed and said … well that probably raised his low blood pressure a bit. Dad hates “The Evil Empire” aka Miami Heat. He is something else. BTW … he had a good night and if he continues to hold steady and his fever goes away… he may be able to get into a regular hospital room today or tomorrow. Thanks for all your kind words and prayers. 
Great news! Gordo’s out of ICU. The antibiotics are working towards killing the infection in his blood and his blood pressure continues to rise (good thing). I knew we were going to be ok when he started talking to the ICU nurses this morning about how he had hundreds of songs on his iPod touch and that he loved Lady Gaga. He’s watched the video of her tour twice now. He loves the lyrics of “Born This Way” in that she sings … GOD makes NO mistakes!
Needless to say these young nurses were fascinated by Gordo’s appreciation of our current times.
I think both Gaga and Dad get it! God loves us all! Thanks again for all your prayers and kind words.

June 7
Dad’s sweet young nurse … in his new room … writes some goals for dad on his dry erase board. 1. Get sugar level down. 2. Walk to the chair in his room 3x daily. Then she asks dad what his goals are. “ To get the hell out of here!”. Be nice dad … he replies … well she asked. True. I have a good feeling that Gordo may be coming home pretty soon. Have a super day my friends!
June 8
This morning I woke up and my feet were cold. So I grabbed a pair of socks that Gordo no longer wears because they’re too tight. I’m putting them on and something is in the toe. Reach in and find two twenty dollar bills! Woo Hoo … is this a sign that a good day awaits us? You betcha! Now I’m off to the hospital for my day shift. BTW … I have resisted going through all of Gordo’s old socks. May need them at a later date. Have a super day my friends.
June 9
Yesterday, to keep dad from getting bored … I brought his iPod touch and headphones up to the hospital. First he listened to Beethoven, then Bruce Springsteen and when I was leaving he was diggin Nine Inch Nails. Ok Gordo … I believe you’re about ready to come home. Have a super day my friends.
June 10
Go Dallas! Gordo's lovin life. Hopefully dad will be home in time for Sunday's game. They think he may come home today. Yippie! Thanks to all of you for your kind words and prayers and a special thanks to the MAVERICKS (most certainly have contributed to his speedy recovery). Have a super weekend my friends.
Gordo's HOME!
June 11
You all are so kind! He is so wiped out and sleepy. I went to pick up his meds at Walgreens. Bought him a Hershey’s bar. He was thrilled … ate it and is now asleep like a baby. My heart is finally at peace. Gordo is amazing! God bless all of us. Have a super night!

June 12
Nights can be very long for Gordo. So last night I left him with his iPod touch and Emmylou Harris.
Something woke me up and told me to check on Dad at 1:30 this morning. Glad I did. He had his oxygen tubes, catheter tube and headset wires completely tangled up. He’s sleeping …. Emmylou is singing away and I’m practically having a heart attack. Gordo wakes up and says “What are you doing Pooker Annie?” Good grief daddy … you’re all tangle up! As I am trying to untangle everything, he’s yelling “DON’T break my iPod! Glad to know he has his priorities. 
OK … I guess I’ll have to see if the iPod has a “wireless” headset available. 
Have a great day my dear friends.
June 14
Now that basketball season has ended … It’s time to switch gears to baseball. However the team that Gordo likes is the Boston Red Sox. Hard to get all their games on TV. So … I looked for apps on his iPod touch. SCORED! MLB 11 for iPod. $40 and he can watch any game he wants. Thank God for the iPod! Who would have ever thought that modern technology could be so therapeutic for the elderly? Think I should contact Apple? This may be a whole new marketing campaign for them. BTW … yesterday Dad’s faves were the Yankees (Boston didn’t play yesterday) and Bruce Springsteen. Have a super day!

June 15
I wrote a note to Methodist West Houston Hospital … just thanking them for taking such great care of Gordo. Mentioning a few outstanding nurses, etc. Get a call yesterday from the CEO … Wayne Voss. He wants to thank me and tell me that he acknowledged all that were mentioned in my note and gave them Astro’s tickets. He also relayed the message from the nursing staff … expressing that dad must be just thrilled …Dallas won. Now … how cool is that????? Kudos to Wayne and his staff!
June 17
It’s been a wild week. Gordo (now) has a plethora of folks (thanks to home health care) who parade through our home daily. It’s rather humorous listening to his conversations with each of them. One nurse was asking him general questions regarding his health. “Mr. Cave, have you ever had a heart attack?” He thinks about it, and then yells out to me “Pooker Annie, have I ever had a heart attack?” “No dad.” He replies “Oh good”. I’m sure this nurse thinks we’re nuts. God love him. Have a super weekend my friends.

June 19
Every day is Father’s Day for Gordo. So … I wanted to take this opportunity to appreciate the most amazing man I know. My husband Michael (Mikey). Although he has no biological connection to my children, he is a dad and grandfather in the most important ways. He loves their mother! This man took on a woman with 3 children 17 years ago. Embraced my crazy family and continues to do so today. I feel confident in saying that my entire family regards Michael as a “Dad”. Happy Father’s Day Mikey! Love … from your adoring wife, Cora
June 20
Bought Gordo a Boston Red Sox's shirt ...as they are his favorite team. Michael gave him the Rolling Stone ... as Lady Gaga's his current favorite performer.
Ricky and his two rug rats. We had a very nice Father's Day.

June 23
Gordo’s question first thing this morning. “Pooker Annie…Do you think the male models in the Macy’s ads stuff their pants?” Well … gosh (wow), I’ve never really thought about it dad. Gordo: “I’m sure they do” … Me: “you’re probably right.” Then … he asked for a glass of lemonade. Sure! Anything to get off of that topic. Have a great day my friends.
June 25
 I ordered a Boston Red Sox shirt and cap for Father’s Day. Well the shirt arrived in plenty of time, but they screwed up on the cap order and sent me sunglasses. I’ve been back and forth with these folks and his cap finally arrived yesterday before I got home, so Mikey opened the box and gave it to him. When I got home, Gordo was proudly wearing is new cap. I said: Great! You got a Boston cap. He says: Yes, Pooker Annie, your wonderful husband got it for me. Isn’t that sweet of Michael? Daddy … it absolutely is! He hasn’t taken it off since. Have a great weekend all!
June 28
Took Gordo for some Church’s chicken (his first time there) last Thursday, after his doctor’s appointment. We went inside to eat. He says he needs a fork. Dad … all they have are sporks. “What the hell is a spork?” It’s a spoon and a fork in one. “How am I supposed to eat my chicken with that?” Just eat it with your fingers. He looks at me like I’m crazy. Here … daddy … I’ll take the meat off the bones for you. He loves the chicken and goes on and on about how it’s too bad they don’t have real forks. So I guess … that was our first and last trip to Church’s. 
Yesterday... after another doctor’s appointment … I ask him what he wants to eat. “Church's!” Dad, thought you didn’t like going to Church’s. Pooker Annie … just pick it up! You have real forks at the house … don’t you? (duh) Yes, dad … you’re right. Well… let’s get some chicken then! You’ve got it!
Have a great day my friends.
June 29
My wonderful sister Liz took Gordo to Costco on Saturday to get new glasses. He tried on pair … after pair … after pair. Finally Liz says … Dad … you really don’t like any of these? He replies ... NO … I can’t see a damn thing with any of them. Daddy … you’re just trying them on for the frames. Oh … they’re pretend glasses? Liz says … “exactly”. Oh … then … let’s try them on again. God love him and my sister! Not to mention the incredibly patient optical clerk.
Have a great day friends!

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