Tuesday, January 31, 2012


In order to keep my “potty” mouth cleaner … I use more appropriate exclamations when dealing with Gordo. Like … gosh darn … I’ll be dipped or that’s funny shiitake, etc.
Yesterday I yelled out “Heavens to Betsy” (one of my common ones) and Gordo says “Pooker Annie” I really wish you’d quit saying that. Why Dad?  Because Louis (somebody?) pulled my swimming trunks down at the pool when I was a boy.
I feel like torturing myself … so I asked. Dad what does that have to do with me saying Heavens to Betsy? He says … well his family were a prim and proper Catholics who never said curse words and Louis’s mom’s favorite expression was “Heavens to Betsy’.  She said that all the time when her horrible son did something bad.
Dad, I’m sorry … I promise not to say that anymore.
Then true to Gordo’s nature … Do you have any of those chocolate cookies left?
He’s a piece of work.
BTW … was curious where that saying came from.
Some have tried to trace it to the Revolutionary War and to Betsy Ross, maker of the first US flag, but have failed; others think it may have something to do with the frontiersman’s rifle, often called Old Betsy, but there’s no evidence that saying and name are associated. Charles Earle Funk, who in 1955 used the phrase as part of the title of a book about curious phrases, said that its origins were “completely unsolvable”.
Another unsolved mystery. But I bet she was a BITCH Oops!

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