Monday, February 13, 2012

"Alone Time"

Going away with my hubby this weekend was reminiscent of how I was when my children were little. But instead of leaving three children behind … I left Gordo.
In both instances they were left in the care of capable loving family members. However … I found myself … after several hours … worrying.  Are they OK? Did they eat? Have they had their meds?  Do they have everything they are used to getting, etc.?
I called my sister, as I did with my mother in-law (years ago) … many times to check on my “kids/ Gordo”.
Why can’t I just chill?
This brought back a vivid memory of how my ex-hubby (my kids’ dad and … now great friend) went to Lake Somerville in my in-laws motorhome for a few days. The first 24 hours were great. But then we started seeing all the things the kids would love … blah … blah … blah.
What did we do? Oh … you know it! We drove back to Houston and got them. We were back in Somerville within 5 hour and enjoyed the rest of our “alone time” … enjoying our children and having a blast.
Didn’t go that far with Gordo … but thought about renting a motorhome, so he could go places with us.
Have I lost my mind? 

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