Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Still my BIG baby.

I posted this a year ago today ... all still holds true ... but I hardly ever cry anymore.

I've learned quite a bit about caregiving for an aging adult ... who can no longer live independently . Realizing that this is just the beginning of what could be a very long journey, here are just a few things that I thought to share in case you or someone you know is dealing with the same. For what it’s worth. 1. Facing … then … embracing that my life will never be the same. 2. Letting go (but still remember) of the person you once knew and accepting and loving the latest version. 3. No matter how mad or irritated you may get with them … try to keep smiling … and remember that they are living it every second of every day. You can go in the back yard … have a cry … and DON’T feel guilty for your brief pity party. 4. Routine is paramount. Keeping things in the same place. Doing daily activities at the same time … like eating, bathing, taking meds. etc. 5. Announcing and also in our case writing on a white erase board … what day and date it is … and what today’s plans are. 6. Mental and physical stimulation. Make sure that they move around several times throughout the day. Ask them questions and take time to listen. Get movies and books that they prefer. Take them out of the house for short jaunts of something fun … sitting at the park … picking up lunch … visiting friends, etc. 7. One of the hardest things is helping with the physical “un-pleasantries”. Bathing, going to the bathroom, dressing, cleaning up accidents, brushing teeth, etc. All I can tell you is how I mentally cope with all these things. I go back to taking care of my babies. Did all these things and then some. Taking care of Gordo is somewhat like caring for a toddler. Granted … a very large one, but still in need of these very same things. Plus …. HE currently sleeps through the night. Lol. So far … so good. Knowing that each day will bring a new lesson and that I just have to ACCEPT and EMBRACE each of them. HUG your old folks TODAY! Photo is from the 1980’s show Mork and Mindy … Jonathan Winters played ... Mearth… their VERY big baby.

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