Thursday, April 26, 2012

Prisoner's Song

Gordo's in rare form this morning.

I was outside getting his newspaper and returned to him singing (loudly) to my dog ...Carly ...  this long song about a flying angel blah blah blah. So I asked him what was the song that he was singing? ... so of course ... he did a special encore just for me. Then preceded with the history behind it.

Since dad sang this to Carly and me ... It just wouldn't be fittin ... not to share ... 

The Prisoner's Song ... a 1920s all-time best-seller ... sung by  Vernon Dalhart.

Oh, I wish I had some-one to love me 
Some-one to call me their own 
Oh, I wish I had some-one to live with 
'Cause I'm ti-red of liv-in' a-lone 

Oh, please meet me to-night in the moon-light 
Please meet me to-night all a-lone 
For I have a sad sto-ry to tell you 
It's a sto-ry that's nev-er been told 

I'll be car-ried to the new jail to-mor-row 
Leav-ing my poor dar-ling all a-lone 
With the cold pris-on bars all a-round me 
And my head on a pil-low of stone 

Now I have a grand ship on the o-cean 
All mount-ed with sil-ver and gold 
And be-fore my poor dar-lin' would suf-fer 
Oh! that ship would be an-chored and sold 

Now if I had wings like an an-gel 
O-ver these pri-son walls I would fly 
And I'd fly to the arms of my poor dar-lin' 
And there I'd be wil-ling to die

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