Sunday, April 15, 2012

No Spring Chicken

I always get email reminders about what I posted a year ago.
Thought this one was worth repeating.
Have a fabulous Sunday!
Originally posted on APRIL 15, 2011
I lay on the couch yesterday while Gordo was sleeping and actually fell asleep. Woke up and told dad that I took a nap too. His comment “Well I should think so Pooker Annie, you’re not a spring chicken”. OK … Old Rooster (I thought). What is a spring chicken exactly? Poultry Lesson of the Day: Agriculturally speaking, there really is a creature known as a spring chicken aka Cornish Hen … especially one from two to ten months old, having tender meat. The Name : During the earliest days of poultry farming, it was impossible to raise chicks during the cold winter months, so a chicken brought to market in the “spring “was prized for its youth and fresher flavor. So see… I haven’t been a spring chicken for 48 years

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