Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ms. MacGyver

5:00 this morning. “Cora … my bed is broken!” 
OH great! … So I go trotting downstairs and sure enough his electric bed is stuck in the sitting position … so he can’t lay down.
The cord is tangled … I untangled it … nothing! Is it plugged in? Yep. 
Meanwhile … Gordo is steadily yapping ridiculous things at me ... like … maybe your sister broke it … call Ricky … he can fix it.
Mind you that I am still half asleep … so I’m getting more and more irritated. “Dad … please! I can’t even think straight”. 
I get on the floor and crawl under his bed where the motor is and wiggle around the wires. Suddenly … by the grace of GOD … it starts to work! Thank you … thank you … thank you!
Seeing that I have fixed his bed … Dad squeals with delight … “Pooker Annie … I am so impressed … you are just like that MacGyver fellow!”
“Thanks Dad … are you ready to go back to bed?” He seriously answers … “No I’m just going to sit here for a while and make the bed go up and down”. “OK … but not for too long”
As I turned to exit his room … I looked back at Gordo wearing a huge boyish grin … making the bed (by remote) move … up... down... up … down and I just had to smile.

Have a super day my friends!

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