Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gordo's Not the Only King!

Yesterday’s adventure with Gordo went well.
The three (80 plus years old) spoke so loudly … like they were sitting on a helicopter launching pad. Plus … they were constantly talking over each other so much ... that at one point … Dad was talking about his iPad … Bert about … his new computer and Joan about her TV and they all thought they talking about the same thing.
I thought about intervening … but they were having such a wacky fun time … I just sat back and nodded my head every few minutes.
Bert’s wife Joan was thrilled to give me the grand tour of the retirement home … so the "men could chat".  
I may have met every old lady in West Houston … as it was “Elvis” day and what seemed like hundreds of these sweet old ladies … were lined up all over the place to see the “King” … impersonator.
Joan was so apologetic that she hadn't known about the show earlier or she would have gotten “us girls” tickets. Well maybe another time then. 
I’m thinking … for that trip ... I’ll drink my chardonnay before we visit. 
All kidding aside … it was heartwarming watching these folks enjoy each other’s company and we really will visit again … even if I have to sit with a bunch of screaming 80 and 90 year old groupies for Elvis.   
I just love our “seasoned” citizens!

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