Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Finding Forrester

I asked Gordo if he had ever seen the movie … “Finding Forrester” - starring Sean Connery and was very surprise that he had not. Given that it is right up his “intellectual alley”.
So when I saw it at Half Price books for $2.00 … I snagged it.
He watched it yesterday. Afterwards I asked how he liked it. “Fabulous movie. I can’t believe that I never saw it before.”
I simply stated ... “you can’t go too wrong with Sean Connery”.
Dad says “Sean Connery? Was he in it? ‘
“Dad … he was the lead character”
“I don’t remember him, but it was a damned good movie”.
Well there you have it folks!
Guess I’ll not worry too much about which James Bond movies to rent in the future … LOL
Have a super day! 

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