Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Chardonnay Kind of Day!

Oh Boy! This promises to be a very exciting day. 

Gordo and I are venturing out to visit some of his friends at the retirement home.

I've already been given the list of things to do and pack … from his majesty.

1. New batteries in hearing aides 
2. Extra Poligrip … just in case
3. 2 - boxes of Kleenex
4. Bottled water … don’t forget his “bendy” straws
5. A fully charged iPad … with his “gizmo” aka stylus pen … So he can show Bert all about it.
6. 2 cotton handkerchiefs -  1 …  for each of his pants pockets 
7. Tic-Tacs … cause you never know … wink … wink
8.  Both pairs of glasses

He guesses that about covers it, but will let me know if he thinks of anything else.

And on my list ????

1-BIG frickin bottle of Chardonnay for when we get back home.

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