Thursday, January 24, 2013

I need to get a "Poly" Grip!

About 2 months ago Gordo began taking his false teeth out every time he went to the bathroom. Not really sure why he started doing this. My thought was that he was just getting confused with certain visual associations, so I just let him do his thing. However … over time this has become an expensive little habit. Every time he removes his teeth (which happens at least 4 times daily) … he uses huge amounts of mouthwash to swish with … 2 Polident tablets go into the bowl where places his teeth (to soak the old glue off) and Poligrip glue to put back on his teeth when we place the teeth back into his mouth. Not to mention … you know who … does all the gross cleaning and gluing … now up to 4 times a day! Thank God for latex gloves!
Well he and I had a long talk about this a couple of days ago and reached an understanding that it was not necessary to remove his dentures that often, so we agreed on 2 times daily.
Everything has been going great. This morning I made him bacon and eggs for breakfast followed by his favorite ice cream. Then I heard the ole familiar … “Pooker Annie!” So off to his room I went … “Yes Dad?” He says … “ I have one question for you.” … “OK … what is it?”… He (seriously) asks … “What good is it to be the King … if I can’t take out my teeth out when I want to?”
I’m thinking OMG are you kidding me? But I say … You’re right … go ahead and take them out whenever you want.
All he had to say was … “I knew you would agree” … and went back to reading his newspaper.
Time to buy stock in Scope and Poligrip!

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