Friday, January 18, 2013

Chief Kim

Dad has a fabulous nurse named Kim who has been coming to our home once a week since July. She checks his vitals, draws blood and replaces his catheter.
When her visits first began … I would always stay in the room with them, but over time she’s become a part of the family and Gordo adores her … so I rarely intervene … as I completely trust her.
She knows he is hard of hearing, so she speaks very loudly and because of his hearing … he speaks just a loud. So even with the door closed ... I can hear the two of them laughing … joking and very often I hear Gordo singing. She thinks he’s a hoot.
Well yesterday it was time to replace his catheter and no matter how great a nurse is … you can just imagine … that is NOT a very pleasant experience. Typically I can tell when Kim is performing this task. Her voice gets even louder, as she is trying to divert his attention. 
As usual … I was not in the room yesterday … but all of a sudden I heard the TWO of them singing (at the top of their lungs) … “1 little … 2 little … 3 little Indians … 4 little … 5 little … 6 little Indians”, etc. 
Now that my friends … is some amazing nursing!
God Bless you "Chief" Kim!

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