Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Gordo loves to tell the story of … how he and my mom enjoyed me so much that they wanted another baby girl. 
Of course my mom’s recollection was a bit different in that I was an awful infant who screamed all the time and an event worse little toddler. So she prayed for a good baby.
Either way … my sweet baby sister arrived …with no drama … 48 years ago today.
I have told the story before about how I met Liz, but think it’s worth posting again.
Happy Birthday Liz!
Love your adoring sister,
Elizabeth arrived 18 months after me. I stayed with my Nana while mom and baby were in the hospital.
The day they went home … they stopped by to get me. I was in my highchair eating scrambled eggs. Mom walked over to show me this … screaming … very loud … little infant. What’s a big sister to do? I scooped up a spoonful of eggs and proceeded to shove them into her mouth. My mother almost had a coronary. They managed to remove all the eggs from her mouth. Dad tells me … no …no ... Pooker Annie … only mommy feeds the baby.

That was our first of many eggstravaganzas! LOL

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