Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sun Shinning Faces

Each morning as I go into Gordo's room to help him get up fo the day ... I am followed by two of his biggest fans. Carly (my black lab) and Beau (my orange Persian cat). So this morning I announced ... "Dad ... your fan club has arrived! Then he bursts into song ... "We're all in our places with sun shinning faces". 
Oh good! He's in a great mood this morning!
I made him a special breakfast sandwhich. Afterwards I went to collect his dirty plate and he had only eaten 3/4's of it. So I asked him if he didn't like it. His ... reply ... "Pooker Annie ... I'm just saving room for ice cream. I figure for every day that I make it to another ... I deserve a treat. Don't you think so?"
"I absolutely agree ... how many scoops ... Dad?" He answers " only two".
Now ... that's a great start for the day!

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