Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Watch What You Ask For?

Yesterday Gordo blurts out the most random thought. " Hey Pooker Annie ... you know that beautiful Anniston girl is getting married? ... I reply ...  No dad ... I didn't. Then he says ... You know she was married to Brad Pitt? ... I answer ... "Yes ... I knew that". Thinking to myself  ... where is he going with this?  His next question is ...  " You know why Brad and Anniston got divorced?"  "No ... dad why?"  ...  "Because he wanted kids and she didn't". Then he proceeds ... " so he married that crazy woman who has tons of children with that "poor bastard" (his line for pitying men)... so I guess he got what he asked for".  I comment ... "It would appear so".  Now I'm intrigued as to his story's point. But ... he just resumes reading his newspaper.
"Wait a minute ... Dad ... is there more to the story?" He looks up and simply states ... " No ... not really ... just thought you should know."
OK ... then. "Now I know ... thanks" ... chuckle.
Who knew Gordo was so into Hollywood gossip?
Have a great day my friends.

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