Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jesus Loves Me

If anyone were to listen to the conversations Gordo and I have ... they would lock the two of us up.
Thought about this yesterday.
I bought Dad a bookmark from the dollar store. It's a huge one with a big white tassel that reads ...  Jesus Loves You! Which is sort of funny in that Gordo is not "overly" religious. 
He misplaces it constantly and will (seriously) yell out things like  ..."Pooker Annie"  ... "I can't find Jesus". I say things like  ... "No worries ... Jesus wouldn't have left you ... we'll find him". However ... I really believe it and Dad just wants to find his bookmark. In a weird way (hope I haven't offended anyone) ... it's my way of sharing my beliefs with him.
Well he lost Jesus again yesterday ... and as usual ... I go running into his room. Of course it's in the book he's reading ... but towards the back. So I said " See Dad ... Jesus is never far away. He Loves You!" 
As I'm leaving his room ... Gordo breaks out into song and loudly sings " Jesus loves me ... this I know,  cause the Bible tells me so, etc". 
I looked up, winked at God and went to get Gordo some Häagen-Dazs®
God blesses all of us.
Have an amazing day my friends! 

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