Monday, August 27, 2012

Off with her Head!

Gordo is really starting to have memory issues. At first it made me very sad, but now at least he feels comfortable with telling me that he can't remember certain things. If I don't know the answer, I try my best to find it.
So it was no surprise when he woke up this morning, that the first words out of he mouth were ... "Pooker Annie ... I can't remember the name of Henry the VIII's 2nd wife ... you know ... Elizabeth's mother." ... "Yes dad ... it was Anne Bolelyn. He says ... "Oh yes ... she wouldn't just sleep with Henry ... she had him make her his queen". Then I replied ... "Yes and she paid a high price for that ... got her head chopped off ... well actually the executioner didn't use an axe ... she WAS the queen, so Henry had ordered that they use a sword ... as it was a quicker ... clean cut. In fact when she was about to set her neck on the block ... someone called her name to distract her and as she turned to look ... the sword came dicing down ... I guess it was their way of being humane. (lol).
Then he looks at me and seriously asks ... Wow ... how did you know all that? I just answered ... "I had a great teacher" ... and I winked. It was a bittersweet moment for both of us.

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