Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bella! Bella! Bella!

Gordo woke up this morning at 4:30 ... awake and ready to get on with the day. That was special, but how could I get mad ... he is like a small child who has no sense of time.
So I handed him his book and told him that it was still early, but when his newspaper arrived ... I'd run right in with it. He looked at me and said "Pooker Annie" for God sake don't run ... you're not exactly graceful. All I could think to say was ... "Geez Dad ... at least I'm not as clumbsy as Bella" (referring to the lead female of the Twilight series). He retorts ... no one is that clumbsy ... well ... until you become a vampire. So I jokingly said ... when I become a "vampire" I'm going to visit you first. All I got back in response was .... "Oh Pooker Annie ... you're so silly" and he returned to his book.
Just love starting my days with Go

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