Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"An OLD mind is a terrible thing to waste!"

I'm always trying to find ways to entertain Gordo and keep that great mind of his active.
Sometimes I "Score" and sometimes I get the ole "Pooker Annie ... you had good intentions".
Well  ... it's Wednesday and so far this week I've been "Scoring".
1. Found a refurbished 1948 version of "Joan of Arc" ... starring Ingrid Bergman. 
2. Got a large print book of "The Host" written by Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight series). The book itself is gigantic ... at least 3 or so inches thick. I was a little concerned about the weight, but after propping up a few pillows ... he was good to go and LOVES it. In fact he stayed up til 3am reading the darn thing.
It also doesn't hurt that there's a baseball playoff game everyday ... plus the recent political debates.
So ... I believe he's set for at least a week, but will continue to search for future "Gordo" entertainment. 
"An OLD mind is a terrible thing to waste!"

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