Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Tricks

We celebrated Gordo’s birthday on Wednesday night with pizza, cake and gifts. 
Liz, Mikey and I bought him a big TV for his room, however the hit of the evening was the $9 movie ... “Golden Boy” (you know ... William Holden and Ms. Stanwyck).
My son, Ricky set up his new TV and that’s “all she wrote”. Dad immediately had my daughter in law , Andrea tear in to his new movie. We put it on .. along with his headphones ... and the party was over for the rest of us ... but just beginning for him!

Only one problem with his new viewing gift ...  A 1:00am wake up call to me.
“Pooker Annie” ! I don’t know how to turn off my big screen. I’ll be right there dad. 
Needless to say ... we spent this morning in RCA training class.

You really can teach old dogs new tricks!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is the simple things in life that bring us the most joy.
