Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Didn't Get the Memo

Anyone who reads my posts ... knows what a HUGE Boston Celtics’ fan Gordo is. So it should come as no big surprise that tonight's’ game ... Houston Rockets (we live in Houston) vs Boston is a big deal to him. In fact he insists on inviting my sister Liz over to watch it on our “big” screen, as she is much more involved with dad's basketball obsession than I.

So all of us (whether we want to or not) will be sucked into the NBA vortex ... again.

This morning I was talking about this evening’s festivities for the Houston vs.Celtics’ game with my youngest daughter Sarah ... who lives in Corpus Christie, TX. She thought it sounded fun and suggested ... “ You should invite Ricky (my son) over and he can root for the Astros”.  I giggled ... Sarah ... the Astro’s are baseball.

I guess she never got Gordo's memo.

Have a good day!

P.S. Don’t tell Gordo ... but ... GO ROCKETS!

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