Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's OK

I get these daily email reminders of what I posted last year. Rather interesting to see what you were doing and thinking on the exact same day as the previous year.
Care-giving has become so routine and easy ... sometimes it's hard to remember what life was like prior to Gordo's arrival. The best part ... it's totally OK.

Posted: MARCH 28,2011
I have learned so much over the past month. Mostly about myself. If you would have told me 6 weeks ago that I would be cleaning false teeth, mopping up urine, preparing meals, monitoring oxygen and medicine intake, dressing and bathing dad , while lugging him around in a wheelchair, etc. … I would have said … YUCK … no way! I’ll pay someone else to do that stuff. Well … much to my surprise … I can and actually insist on doing these things myself. It’s amazing what we can do out of love and determination. Although I’m no Florence Nightingale, I’m working on being a damned good caregiver.

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