Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Faux pas

In an effort to save some money ... Gordo has agreed to try some less expensive “premium" brands of ice cream from the major grocery chains. Kroger, Randalls and HEB have all been satisfactory. So when I bought Walgreen's "premium" brand yesterday ... I thought nothing of it. Served him after dinner last night and all was well.
Until this morning.
"Pooker Annie?" ... yes dad? He asks ... what kind of ice cream was that last night? Before answering ... I asked him ... Why? ... He says ... because is wasn't very good. 
OMG! How does he know?
Sorry Walgreens ... you didn't make the cut.
Needless to say ... I'll be going out today to purchase Häagen-Dazs® ... making up for my HUGE ice cream faux pas!

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