Friday, March 23, 2012

Just a Hunch

I scored this week at the library. Found several old classic DVDs. Gordo's been loving life.
Yesterday he watched "Essex and Elizabeth" ... (1939) starring Bette Davis and Errol Flynn. Basically it is the true story of Queen Elizabeth I and her love affair with the Earl of Essex. At some point Elizabeth gives him a ring (symbolic in that he'll share her throne) and they plan to get married. She ultimately changes her mind about the marriage , but is still in love with him and demands that he give the ring back. He won't because he thinks he should be King. Long story short ... she has him executed. 
Anyway ... I put in the DVD and went about my business.
About an hour and a half later I hear Gordo yelling ... "Give her the ring ... you damn fool!", so I go running into his room. Dad ... good grief ... you know how it's going to end up. He says ... yes, but I still like a happy ending. I reply ... Don't think you're going to get one. As I turn away to leave his room ... I get the ole ...  "Pooker Annie" ... yes dad. He asks ...Do you know how Queen Elizabeth spent the last 24 hours of her life? No daddy  ... how? Standing up. Because she thought by standing up she wouldn't die. Then ...  I (jokingly) said ... let me guess? ... it wasn't a happy ending? He (seriously) looks at me and says ... you're right. How did you know?  I simply answered ..."Just a hunch". 
That Gordo's a piece of work.

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