Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Tunes

Yesterday I loaded Harlan Coben’s latest book to Gordo’s iPad. So before I went to bed last night … I made sure that the battery was completely charged and both iPad and stylus pen were set right next to his chair in case he wanted to read during the night … which he often does.
This morning I heard music blaring from his room. More specifically Aerosmith’s “Last Child”. Fumbling around in his dark room ... I finally found the source … it was the iPad. Turned it off and asked dad what the heck happened.
“Pooker Annie … I know you wanted me to read that Coben book … but none of the music fit the plot of the story.”
He had evidently touched my iTunes icon. But rather than getting into that conversation … I thought it best to say … “Well … today you can read it without the background music.”
“Oh good … I liked the country western music … but it made it hard to concentrate on the book”.
God only knows what songs he heard last night … but it’s nice to know that at least he likes my taste in country music. LOL

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