Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Twilight Zone

Gordo is hardly ever in a bad mood, but yesterday was an exception.
He woke me up …claiming his catheter was leaking like a sieve. So I went running down the stairs and into his room. Checked and … yes there was some leakage.
I assured him that he was leaking slightly, but it was hardly a sieve. He then barked back at me “I guess it depends on ones’ definition of a sieve!” “Dad … the point is that it is not an emergency and I will call your nurse at 8am and have her come out and fix it.” He’s obviously put out with my lack of “caring” and says … “Well Pooker Annie … I guess I have no choice … do I?” “Well dad … the only alternative is going to the hospital … as it is 4am!” 
OK … thinking this conversation is over … I cover him back up … kiss his head and start to leave the room… when he shouts out … “I bet if you called Cheryl Clark Franke … she’d come right now! … OMG! “Dad … she is your foot doctor!” And with that … his only comment was …” maybe so … but she WOULD come straight over!”
His nurse did come at 9am and fix him up … but he was snippy with her too.
OK … what to do with a cranky 82 year old. I know … I’ll rent Breaking Dawn part 2.  The last movie of the Twilight series and he has read all the books. Think this idea will delight him? He (seriously) looks at me and states …” I’ll only watch it if Bella ends up with the hunky stud werewolf (aka Jacob).”
Folks at this point …I am at the end of my rope and yell at him … “I can’t change the ending of a movie! Do you want to watch the damned thing or not?” … his only reply … “Yes and while you’re out … will you get me a chocolate bar?” 
Needless to say … the rest of the day went well … and yes… I got him the darn chocolate!

Bella's not the only one in the "Twilight" zone!Gordo is hardly ever in a bad mood, but yesterday was an exception.
He woke me up …claiming his catheter was leaking like a sieve. So I went running down the stairs and into his room. Checked and … yes there was some leakage.
I assured him that he was leaking slightly, but it was hardly a sieve. He then barked back at me “I guess it depends on ones’ definition of a sieve!” “Dad … the point is that it is not an emergency and I will call your nurse at 8am and have her come out and fix it.” He’s obviously put out with my lack of “caring” and says … “Well Pooker Annie … I guess I have no choice … do I?” “Well dad … the only alternative is going to the hospital … as it is 4am!”
OK … thinking this conversation is over … I cover him back up … kiss his head and start to leave the room… when he shouts out … “I bet if you called Cheryl Clark Franke … she’d come right now! … OMG! “Dad … she is your foot doctor!” And with that … his only comment was …” maybe so … but she WOULD come straight over!”
His nurse did come at 9am and fix him up … but he was snippy with her too.
OK … what to do with a cranky 82 year old. I know … I’ll rent Breaking Dawn part 2. The last movie of the Twilight series and he has read all the books. Think this idea will delight him? He (seriously) looks at me and states …” I’ll only watch it if Bella ends up with the hunky stud werewolf (aka Jacob).”
Folks at this point …I am at the end of my rope and yell at him … “I can’t change the ending of a movie! Do you want to watch the damned thing or not?” … his only reply … “Yes and while you’re out … will you get me a chocolate bar?”
Needless to say … the rest of the day went well … and yes… I got him the darn chocolate!

Bella's not the only one in the "Twilight" zone!

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