Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Mistake!

Guess who is the oldest Justin Timberlake fan? Yup … Gordo. He thinks he is fabulous. So it came as no surprise when he clipped out an ad from Target regarding his new CD. Well I finally bought it yesterday after explaining over and over that it was not a DVD … so all he could do was listen. My sister was over … getting him set up for his afternoon nap and he insisted on listening to his new CD. So she tucked him in, put on his headset and left.
30 minutes later I get the ole … “Pooker Annie!” I went to his room and he asked me to turn the music off. I asked … “It’s hard to sleep with music blaring in your ears isn’t it?” He snaps back … “It would be just fine … if he could sing. No wonder it only cost 12.99!” Next time would you get the kind of CD I can watch on TV?”
“Sure Dad”
Ironic … that Timberlake’s latest CD is called the 20/20 experience. BIG MISTAKE!

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