Friday, September 7, 2012

Icing On The Cake

When I post my Gordo stories, they are mostly about the two of us. However there would be no stories to write, if it were not for one amazing person, who affords Dad and I the opportunity to enjoy this time together.
My incredible husband ... Michael! 
He puts up with our craziness daily and never once has he complained.
This man (too) has had his world signicantly interrupted. He gave up our master suite downstairs for Gordo, moved his home office upstairs, because there was a lot and still is commotion going on here daily and he is also the "Go to"  guy every time Dad pushes the wrong buttons on his TV remotes.
He does all the grocery shopping and remembers to get all the crazy little treats that dad "must" have, etc.
All the while making Gordo and I feel loved.
Last night ... Mikey really put the "icing on the cake".  He actually gave Gordo a haircut! Even better ... Dad loved it!
So ... sorry ladies ... but I do believe that I may be the most blessed woman in Harris County, Texas. 
Kisses and Adoration to my fabulous hubby!

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