Sunday, May 27, 2012

Just Jumpers

I don't get out much anymore, so in an effort to remain the "social butterfly" that I am ... I joined an online gaming league about 6 months ago. We play cards, dice and a variety of other games. You sign up for "tournaments" through out the day and winners earn BUXX that can be used to buy various item, etc. But the best part is meeting and chatting with folks from all over the world. Yes ... sometimes I meet some loonies ... but most members are legitimate nice folks.
Most of them know all about Gordo and many read my blog ... so they also know that he is a huge Celtic's fan.
These morning I received an email from one of the Hosts (people who run these tournaments). She dedicated a tour for Gordo today at 12:45. It just touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. This beautiful person (from Iowa) thought of my dad.
I just had to share the page she created ... because it's so amazing.
Love you Letz (her screen name).
P.S. The league's name is "Just Jumpers" ... quite appropriate.

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