Wednesday, August 14, 2013


OK … well after a day of agony for me (not Gordo) … My husband, son and sister got him moved to his new place last night.
I had been over several times prior … to put up his artwork, photos, supplies, TV, DVD player, clothes, etc. So he could simply move into a familiar environment.
However … I did get a call from him at 1am … because he couldn’t remember the name of his nurse and liked him so …that he didn’t want to offend. LOL
He called again this morning because he couldn’t find his “Hoo Hoo” aka stylus pen for his iPad. They had no clue what he was talking about. LOL
He did say that it seemed like a really nice place and he got up this morning and had breakfast with the other 4 men at the dining room table.
The owner of this house is a sweet … sweet … lady who is concerned about me and my mental state. She called this afternoon to check on ME! Then she told me that Gordo was doing well and had just finished singing to her.
As long as he’s singing … my heart is good.
Just thought to give you all an update.
Kisses … Cora
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