Sunday, August 4, 2013

Daddy's Girl

OK folks … I am sad.

It has become obvious to me that I can no longer take proper care of dad.

I have given him all I have … but it is just not enough.

We had him in the most lavish nursing home for two weeks and he hated it. So I searched and searched for some place where he would have … as close to what I do for him as possible.

My sister and I believe we have found one. It is a residential home … that currently takes 24/7 care of 4 other men.

He’ll share a room with one other gentleman … for now … until a private room becomes available.

Liz is going to tell him … as I CANNOT … without … bursting into tears.

Waiting on doctors’ orders … then we’ll tell him and move Dad into his new place.

I may be heart-sick for a few days, so if I do not respond to emails … please give me some time.

Kisses ... Cora

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