Wednesday, August 21, 2013

God's Plan

I have purposely visited Gordo’s new home less frequently since Friday.  In an effort to help get him acclimated to his different surroundings and start paving my way back to a normal life. Even though I’m not sure what “normal” means at this juncture.
In fact … it is a bit overwhelming.
We haven’t even touched dad’s room (formerly our master suite). It’s full of his things … since we could only take a limited amount of items to his new place. I’m very torn and quite frankly a little sad about boxing things up. Then what to do with a lot of things (I know) … he’ll never even asked for, but just the same … he is still living … so it’s a very tough call for me.
Then there’s the … get back to work thing. BG (before Gordo) … I was focused, loved my career and made a nice living. Now … I haven’t got a clear vision, no specific job in mind and have almost forgotten what having my own money is like. Only know that I cannot go back to what was … because my whole being has changed.
Since I have shared our journey over the past years … it seems fitting to continue to include you.
Caring for the old folks is much like raising children. When they leave the nest … you never completely fill that void and certainly never quit being their parent or their child.
I know God has a plan for me … just hope he shares the blueprint  soon.

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