Saturday, August 10, 2013

Love My Baby Sister!

It was decided that last night … while I was at my daughter in-law’s birthday party … that Liz would tell dad about his upcoming move to the personal care home we selected for him.
I couldn’t stop crying … as Liz hugged my neck and assured me that it would be OK. I was so spun up that I felt physically ill.
Had a couple glasses of wine at the party and began to calm down. Then my phone rang. It was Liz. OMG my heart sank and panic set in … as I just knew Gordo did not take the news well. I (reluctantly) answered. I faintly heard Liz’s voice say “Dad wants to talk with you”. I’m thinking …can’t this wait? I’m at a party and the last thing I want to do is have a nervous breakdown in the living room. But … went outside to hear … “Pooker Annie … Elizabeth told me about everything. I know you feel bad … but don’t. I’ll be just fine. You need to take care of yourself too.” I burst into tears … “Daddy … you don’t hate me?” How could I ever hate you? You have given up your life for me. Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself!” All I could muster up was … “I promise”.
We left the party soon afterwards. Liz, Dad and Robby were in his room chatting it up. I practically ran to him and gave him a kiss. He had a huge smile. Sat on his bed and held his hand. “Well … now I can go back to enjoying you and just being your daughter. He thought about it and simply said “That’s true Pooker Annie”.
Not exactly sure what Liz really said to dad … but all I know to say is … Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking what could have been a very unpleasant experience and turning it into one of the most touching moments of my life.
Love My Baby Sister!

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