Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mystery Solved!

If you have read some of my previous posts ... you'll know how sometimes I have to become "Detective Pooker Annie" to help Gordo seek out things ... without very accurate info. I actually pride myself on the success of "solving these mysteries".
Yesterdays hunt : Dad wants me to find a DVD with PJ James.
Discoveries ... 
1. Not a movie
2. Is an author
3. PJ James is a physical fitness instructor
4. PJ Jones is a NASCAR driver
5. PD James is an author who writes mysteries ... Woo ... getting closer ...
Until he announces that this author writes EROTICA! .. Yes folks!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what he said.
After my initial shock ... it hit me!
50 Shades of Grey ... by E.L. James
iPad Loaded!
Can't wait to hear his review!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! Go Gordo. LMAO way to go Cora awesome detective skills. I cant wait for his review either.
