Sunday, February 24, 2013

Living in the Moment!

Gordo is doing great!

He continues to make me happy every day with his crazy ways.

This week he and his nurse were singing " Under the Board Walk". I just had to sit down and smile.

Although life has changed so much for me and my family during the past 24 months  ... It has also brought us all so much closer.

Here's another wonderful moment I had this week ... 

 Yesterday I really experienced “Living in the moment”. 
It was a Beautiful sunny afternoon in Houston, so my granddaughters (Jaclyn and Presley) and I walked over to see their Grandpa Rick.
Both of them are very aware of how sick he is and they promise
d to be on their best behavior.
Lately when I've visited with Rick … he’s been in a morphine induced state … rather lethargic … and in his bedroom. However … yesterday … he seemed much more lucid and was able to venture out to the backyard to soak up a little sun. 
We all sat down. The girls sat quietly until I suggested that they sing something for Grandpa Rick.
Each belted out 2 songs in their entirety. Jaclyn sang an Adele song and Presley … “American Honey”. For the first time in many … many weeks … I had the privilege of watching Rick smile and enjoying a few moments of absolute happiness.

Thank you God!

Thank you God!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Truly Blessed

Lots going on these days and I've been feeling a bit guilty that I haven’t been as attentive to Gordo like I typically am. Not regarding his medical care, etc., but with the level of social interaction. Mind you … he never complains. This morning I was changing his wet socks … as he managed to knock over a huge cup of water … then proceeded to walk through it. Thank God he didn't fall. Anyway …. I was putting on his socks. He reached for my arm and in all sincerity said. “ Pooker Annie … I really appreciate you”. Oh Dad! (lump in throat) I appreciate you too! … We’re a match made in heaven … you and I”. He thinks about my comment and says … “Well … that’s true.” Then back he went to his Houston Chronicle. For that one minute … Gordo was MY caregiver. I am truly blessed.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

No More Than You Can Handle

God really never gives you more than you can handle.

Gordo has been so amazing these past few weeks ... which has given me some extra time to help with Rick, my kids and his folks.

We are a very small family ... so it's been quite the "Juggling Act" to have everything and everyone taken care of.

However ... we have one "Bad Ass" family and we will get through this.

Below is the latest update on Rick.

Feb. 16th

Rick had to go back into the hospital on Tuesday. Unfortunately his current treatments have not proven to be as successful as they had hoped. He has a very concerning tumor near his heart, so the doctors had another PET scan done to see if a different type of Chemo treatment might be more effective. We will know the next course of action on Monday when Rick sees his oncologist.
In the meantime my amazing son (Rick Jr.), his lovely wife (Andrea) and children have temporarily vacated their home and moved in with Andrea’s mother … so that Rick and his parents can live under one roof … as he now needs 24 hr. care.
God Bless our unselfish family, great friends and Rick’s thorough team of doctors.
Thanks again for the prayers, kind words and donations.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Random Thought from Pooker Annie

No matter whether we gain weight, get old or have our body deteriorate from illness … these things are just an outer shell of who we really are.
I remind myself of this daily. 
I also find that our eyes seem to remain pure and young. So I mention this when speaking with folks sometimes.
Although most know that … “it’s what is on the inside that counts” … it sure is nice to hear that “Your beautiful green eyes haven’t changed one bit” or “you have the most beautiful brown eyes.”
OK … so that is my random thought of the day folks.
Make it a good one my friends.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Live Laugh Love!

Anyone who reads my posts must ask themselves about my hubby Mike.
How can he put up with my wacky family, Gordo and ... Now… my very ill ex-husband? 
The answer is … he is a wonderful man and my best friend.
He is also the one who reminds me daily to Live, Laugh and Love

Well ... Today is his birthday.
There is nothing I could give him that would begin to express how much he means to me.
So … I just thank God everyday that he is my amazing husband.
Love You Mikey!

This photo was taken a little over 2 years ago ... when Gordo was still independent and Rick was healthy.
(from left to right ... Mikey, my son Ricky, his dad Rick, my dad and my nephew Robby)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our Little Secret

Anyone who’s been reading my Gordo posts knows that I have a "bone of contention" with Kimberly Clarke over their brilliant decision to make all male Depends’ diapers gray.  The darker color has made it very difficult for dad to figure out the front from the back. In fact my poor sister Liz has had to write the word “front” on them with a black marker.
Yesterday … I had to run to Randall’s grocery store because he was out of ice cream and his diapers.  “NOT GOOD”  ... lol
Well they had no Depends in his size … so I grabbed the store brand … praying that the change in product wouldn't send Gordo into orbit.
When I got home I carefully explained the situation … but also pointed out that they were white and had very clear markings to differentiate the front from back. He was OK with that.
Six O’clock this morning … Gordo’s calling me. Oh gosh … what now?  He’s sitting in the bathroom holding up the new package of diapers and says “Pooker Annie … I really like these new ones. The markings are so clear. Can you buy them from now on? …  “Sure Dad. Is that all you wanted?”   
“Yes … that’s all.”

OK then … so I help him get into his chair to read the newspaper. 

One small problem folks!

He had his diaper on BACKWARDS!

Not EVEN going to tell him. Shhh ... It's our little secret my friends. ;)

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Keep the Faith

Sometimes life seems so unfair. Why some live long and some are taken earlier than we would like.

I just witnessed a very surreal moment between Gordo and my ex-husband Rick.


Although Rick and I are divorced and have been for 18 plus years … my dad has always had a special place in his heart for Rick. He has helped my dad many … many … times throughout his life and both of them have always admired the other.


Gordo has not seen Rick since he got sick with stage 4 cancer, but knows about it.


Today Rick’s mom brought him over to our house to give me some medical supplies. Rick went into Gordo’s room to say hello.


Dad held his hand and told him to hang on. It was a heartbreaking … but a beautiful moment they shared.


I don’t know why God does what he does … but I still have faith in his plans for us.


Keep the faith my friends.


Saturday, February 2, 2013


We all hope that we'll grow old like Gordo and experience the wonders that time on this earth have to offer.

However...sometimes life doesn't flow the way we might hope. As is the case of Rick.

He is my 51 years old ex-husband and a very dear friend. He is also the father of our 3 amazing children and unfortunately a very sick man ... who's benefits for medication this year have already been exhausted and it is only February.

In an effort to relieve some of the emotional stress of finances and to help provide Rick with some quality of life ... I created an online fundraiser. Please see link below.

Please ... only if you can ... donate $1, $5 or whatever you feel comfortable giving to the link below. Prayers are priceless and  are always welcomed.

God Bless and Thanks ... Cora aka Pooker Annie