Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Take a break kid"

I have neglected to mention that Gordo is home and doing well.
In fact he is on a "new kick" of doing more things for himself. Partly because of his new occupational therapist who tells him that ...he can ... plus I told him that he could not come home from the hospital unless he was steady enough with his walker to move around his room ... without being a "fall risk".
So I shouldn't have been surprised when the light was on in his room this morning at 5:30 ... but still felt a moment of panic as I was about to open his door. Opened it ... to find a wided eyed ... very alert ... Gordo...  who looks up and yells "Pooker Annie!"  Still half asleep ... I ask ... "hey Dad is everything OK?"  He's beaming as he explains how he got up by himself .. found his New York Times from last Sunday (was still in hospital then) and had put on his reading glasses.  I exclaim ... "that's great dad ... but Pooker Annie needs some coffee and I'll be right back." To which he simply replies ... "Take a break kid ... I'm fine".
Ok ... I'm thinking ... This old man never ceases to amaze me.
Have a great day my friends!

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