Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

I am quite sure my neighbors want to have me committed to an insane asylum.
Liz and I tried to take a very boring 4th of July and make it fun for Gordo.
So what did we do?
Bought some sparklers. Gordo waved a few of them around.
She and I sang the Star Spangled Banner at the top of lungs for dad in the backyard. When we were done we heard neighbors all around us clapping and cheering. OMG they think we're nuts.
Since we were on a roll ... Dad and I sang "America" and he went off into some other direction ... singing some song about Joan of Arc. (see video).
Needless to say ... the 3 of us had fun. Michael decided to just focus on cooking his pork ribs and was probably praying no one would call the police for disturbing the peace. lol
God love my hubby .. sister ... Gordon .. and the ... USA!

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