Tuesday, July 24, 2012


To my friends who have not heard the story ...
“Cora” … not too many people with my name. YES … there is a tale about how I got it.
Gordo was born in Norwalk, Connecticut in 1930. He always says I was named after a 1920’s flapper (photo attached is not her, but looked very similar). When dad was a little boy his mother used to host a weekly “sewing” circle of 5 or 6 ladies. However dad suspects they were really drinking and gossiping. Anyway … there was one woman … named Cora. He thought she was absolutely gorgeous. So … from that time on … he always knew that if he had a girl … she’d be named Cora. WAIT … there’s more. My dad’s father came up to the hospital to see me right after I was born. He says to my dad … “son … why did you choose the name Cora?” Dad replies … “after that beautiful woman that used to come to mom’s sewing circle.” His dad …. WHAT? You named your baby after the Norwalk whore? Well there you have it. Yes … I was named after a “loose” flapper from the 1920’s. Now let’s get on with my birthday ...lol :)

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