Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Camper

Well Gordo is one happy camper. After a weekend with the grand kids and family ... he gets me all to himself.
To make up for "sharing my timing" ... I made him spaghetti , got 3 movies and bought a giant Hershey's dark chocolate bar. He's like spoiled only child. 
So now he's eating chocolate and watching the Great Gatsby.
Nothing like raising a 82 year toddler. lol
Have a great week my friends.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bert Wilson

Yesterday Gordo wanted to watch some movie starring "Bert Wilson". I had never heard of him ... so I started Googling. All I could find was a saxophone player, a hockey player and a baseball announcer from the 40s. So I went to him and asked ... "Is this a story about one of these men's lives?" I get one of those (what are you? stupid) looks and he says ... "Oh Pooker Annie ... we just got one of his movies the other day. Die ... something. " OMG ... Bruce Willis? I asked. He (seriously) barks ... "yes ... just like I said."
I let him win and promptly turned on Die Hard with a Vengence. All he had to say was ... "I knew you could find it!"
Oh boy!
Bizzaro World!
Have a super day my friends.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Best Present

Thanks to all for the wonderful wishes on my 49th birthday yesterday. They were very much appreciated.
The last gift I received last night ... may have been the best one. It came in the form of a wrinkled piece of paper. A letter from Gordo. It touched my heart.
I will type out what it reads ... in case you can't see it clearly in the attached photo.
Some gifts are "priceless". 
Love you daddy!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


To my friends who have not heard the story ...
“Cora” … not too many people with my name. YES … there is a tale about how I got it.
Gordo was born in Norwalk, Connecticut in 1930. He always says I was named after a 1920’s flapper (photo attached is not her, but looked very similar). When dad was a little boy his mother used to host a weekly “sewing” circle of 5 or 6 ladies. However dad suspects they were really drinking and gossiping. Anyway … there was one woman … named Cora. He thought she was absolutely gorgeous. So … from that time on … he always knew that if he had a girl … she’d be named Cora. WAIT … there’s more. My dad’s father came up to the hospital to see me right after I was born. He says to my dad … “son … why did you choose the name Cora?” Dad replies … “after that beautiful woman that used to come to mom’s sewing circle.” His dad …. WHAT? You named your baby after the Norwalk whore? Well there you have it. Yes … I was named after a “loose” flapper from the 1920’s. Now let’s get on with my birthday :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

" I'll have Both"

Dad was still hungry after breakfast this morning, so he asked what else could he have.
I asked ... what are you in the mood for? He tilted his head ... as though he really didn't know what he wanted ... so I suggested either breadsticks or cookies and without hesitation ... "I'll have both!"
OK ... so both you shall have.
That Gordo's a mess. lol

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Big "49"

My wonderfully whacky family took me out to play bingo last night. Needless to say that the Katy Bingo Hall may never be the same. lol. Michael stayed home to watch Gordo, Owen and Avery. He may never be the same either. lol Thanks to all for making the big "49" a memorable one. Love You All!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Take a break kid"

I have neglected to mention that Gordo is home and doing well.
In fact he is on a "new kick" of doing more things for himself. Partly because of his new occupational therapist who tells him that ...he can ... plus I told him that he could not come home from the hospital unless he was steady enough with his walker to move around his room ... without being a "fall risk".
So I shouldn't have been surprised when the light was on in his room this morning at 5:30 ... but still felt a moment of panic as I was about to open his door. Opened it ... to find a wided eyed ... very alert ... Gordo...  who looks up and yells "Pooker Annie!"  Still half asleep ... I ask ... "hey Dad is everything OK?"  He's beaming as he explains how he got up by himself .. found his New York Times from last Sunday (was still in hospital then) and had put on his reading glasses.  I exclaim ... "that's great dad ... but Pooker Annie needs some coffee and I'll be right back." To which he simply replies ... "Take a break kid ... I'm fine".
Ok ... I'm thinking ... This old man never ceases to amaze me.
Have a great day my friends!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Gordo must be feeling better. He hasn't stopped talking since I got to the hospital. lol
Total Yapfest!

Serious Resilience!

Liz and I are about rent a suite at Methodist West Hospital. 
Yes ... Gordo had to be taken here again last night.
Good news is ... we caught his infection before it turned septic ... so he should be able to come home tomorrow.
This old guy has some serious resilience!

Friday, July 13, 2012


Since today is Friday the 13th ... I decided not to join the folks who have "Triskaidekaphobia".
So ... here are some more positive facts about the big ... "13" 
13 stripes on the American flag
There were 13 original colonies 
U.S. $1 bill — 13 levels in the pyramid, 13 stars, 13 arrows, 13 stripes, 13 leaves, and 13 olives
The 13th Amendment placed into law the abolishment of slavery.
Folks born on Friday the 13th - Thomas Jefferson, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift, Paul Simon and Neil Sedaka
Francis Scott Key begins writing the The Star-Spangled Banner on the evening of Friday, September 13, 1814.
Have a "LUCKY" day my friends.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Six Wives

Gordo's been having an occupational therapist come to the house twice a week. She helps him with his upper body strength, self care (doing things for himself ... dressing ... walking safely), etc. 
She also engages him intellectually ... well she tries, but more often than not ... she's on the receiving end of Gordo's educational lessons of the REAL important stuff.
Now ... she has NO doubt who Bessie Smith and Judy Garland are!
By the time he's done with her ... she'll be able to name all 6 wives of Henry the VIII.
I certainly can. lol
Have a super day my friends!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Confucius Says ...

I haven't posted any Gordo stories in a couple of days. 
So here's the latest ... 
He has been so at peace and happy. Health is going well ... reading Harlan Coben's ... Just One Look ... watching movies ... He loved "The Debt" ... eating ice cream ... Haagen-Dazs® (of course) and I made his favorite dinner last night ... spaghetti and meatballs.
I have really learned how to appreciate these precious ... normal ... days.
Confucius was "spot on"
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Harsh Critic

Gordo is a harsh critic when it comes to movies and historic literature (he's a history major).
So ... to hear him rave about two of my latest library finds is very rewarding.
Thought to share his latest favorites.
"High Crimes" starring Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd. " Best courtroom drama ever". 
"The Lady Elizabeth" wriiten by Alison Weir. This is a historically accurate novel about the shady side of the "Virgin" Queen. She ... my friends ... was "NO virgin."
So there you have it!
Siskel and Ebert had nothing on Gordo.
Have a fabulous Saturday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

I am quite sure my neighbors want to have me committed to an insane asylum.
Liz and I tried to take a very boring 4th of July and make it fun for Gordo.
So what did we do?
Bought some sparklers. Gordo waved a few of them around.
She and I sang the Star Spangled Banner at the top of lungs for dad in the backyard. When we were done we heard neighbors all around us clapping and cheering. OMG they think we're nuts.
Since we were on a roll ... Dad and I sang "America" and he went off into some other direction ... singing some song about Joan of Arc. (see video).
Needless to say ... the 3 of us had fun. Michael decided to just focus on cooking his pork ribs and was probably praying no one would call the police for disturbing the peace. lol
God love my hubby .. sister ... Gordon .. and the ... USA!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Live ... Laugh... Love!

It has been one heck of a rollercoaster ride with Gordo for the past 2 weeks.
However ... this ride is finally slowing down, so Gordo, Liz and I are getting off of it for a while. Knowing that we will probably have to take many more.
This is where one really has to take life ... one day at a time.
Our family's motto ............ LIVE ... LAUGH ... LOVE!
BTW ... Getting some sparklers for Gordo today. That ought to be a site!
Enjoy your 4th ... my friends and be safe!