Friday, January 27, 2012

In Search of The Blue Heron

Gordo’s latest obsession … When do the Blue Herons come to nest at the park next to where he used to live? He tells me to call Marge. I ask …Dad what’s her last name? He doesn’t know and he’s pretty sure her name is Marge.
Oh boy … here we go again.
So I put on my detective gear and begin my quest in search of the great Blue Herons who frequent the park next to an old folks home. This ought to be interesting.
Call the front office of Park Shadows… they know us well. Ask if they have a “Marge” living there. Of course they do! Three of them. What? Must have been a popular girl’s name in the 30’s.
Rather than totally confusing the minds of 3 elderly Marges … not to mention … he’s not 100% sure that’s even her name … They recommend I call the “Pilpots”, because this 86 yrs. old couple know all about birds. Oh joy!
Sparing you all that conversation … the bottom line was … the Herons arrive in late February and Mrs. Philpot took my number and is going to call us when they arrive.
I relay the info back to Gordo … who in turn says … Great job “Pooker Annie” … I’ll tell Jan. Jan (pronounced Yan) is dad’s physical therapist from Holland. Ok … I know I may regret this but … “What’s does this have to do with him?”
Oh … In Holland the Heron is considered to be very lucky and poor Jan hasn’t seen one since he’s been in the states. I told him that you would drive us over to see them when they arrive.
How special is that trip going to be? Gordo, a Dutchman, the Philpots and maybe we’ll meet the infamous Marge … if that’s even her name.
All aboard the Bizarro Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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