Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Do it NOW!

I spent a lot of time today with a director of an Alzheimer’s care facility.
The biggest takeaway was something I (personally) did and just assumed many knew about. WRONG!
Please … please … please have your folks or loved ones who are getting old … sign a Medical Power of Attorney while they are lucid and understand. Without this you cannot even talk to their physician if and when the patient can no longer make rational decisions about their own healthcare.
You can’t place them in the hospital, home, or converse in any medical conversations about them … unless you have a legal MEDICAL POWER OF ATTORNEY!
Now this is about Texas … so please check out your state or country and its regulations.
I am not an attorney … so rather than giving advice based on my own person experience or what others have told me … I STRONGLY suggest that you click this link
I can PROMISE you… it will be worth a bit of work to get these things handled NOW!

God love our old folks!

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