Friday, November 22, 2013

Missing Him

I was at the nail salon yesterday and made a comment to my nail lady ... that I had not cut my hair since Gordo moved in … almost 3 years ago.
When all of a sudden another customer (who was having a pedicure) yells out. “What is your dad’s name?” I was rather shocked and replied… “Well  … he is now deceased, but his name is Gordon”. This woman get a huge smile on her face and exclaims “Mr. Cave! He loves Lady Gaga, the Boston Celtics and wears those cute baseball caps”.  OK folks … how weird is this? I simply asked ... “ma'am  … how do you know my father?”. She answers … Oh! ... I have been his night time nurse for years at Methodist Hospital. I just love him and your sister Liz . I was there the night he went to heaven”.
WOW! How nice that she really did care about him.
I guess Gordo was loved by more folks then I even knew.
He sure is in Heaven … but I do miss him so.
Remember … to be kind and patient with our “Seasoned Citizens”.

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