Wednesday, December 18, 2013

God's Calling?

Yesterday I went to Methodist West Hospital (where Gordo used to go) to see one of our patients who is also a special friend of our family.
 “Tis the season” … so I bought one of those silly reindeer headbands, picked up a poinsettia for my friend and filled my work bag with candy canes.  Yes … I have no shame!
I took the elevator to the 6th floor … holding my head (with antlers) high … hoping that my emotions would not get the better of me … as this was the floor dad ALWAYs went to and where he passed away two months ago.
Luckily my friend’s room was right next to the nurse’s station ... so I went directly in. We chatted for about 30 minutes. She started getting tired, so her nurse and I helped get my 80 ish years old friend and her healing hip back into bed.
I passed back by the nurses’ station … handed them all candy canes and thanked them for the job that they do. Then it occurred to me ... to (personally) thank them for caring for my dad over the past few years. Then one of the nurses said … “We thought you were Mr. Cave’s daughter. So sorry for your loss.” WOW! They actually remembered!
Feeling rather warm and grateful in my heart … I decided to stop at the ER on my way out and thank them as well.
Got nothing but smiles as I walked through the halls … then I had to chuckle … remembering … that it was due to the crazy headband on my head.
I reached the ER nursing station. One of the nurses looked up and said … “You are one of Mr. Cave’s daughters … right? He wore those baseball caps and loved Lady Gaga.”  I was stunned … told her that he had passed, but wanted to thank her and all the others who took such great care of him. Explained my new career in home healthcare … handed her some candy canes and was about to leave … until she asked me to wait. She picked up the phone and told the person on the other line to come to the desk … Mr. Cave’s daughter has something to tell you.
The next thing I knew … I was surrounded by several nurses who shared Gordo stories and gave their condolences.
My eyes began welling up with tears … so I told them that I had to go. As I turned around to leave … one of them said … “Cora … I do believe you found your calling”.

I think that perhaps she’s right. We’ll see.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”

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